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The Big WHY

This is from my photo shoot I did in 2021 about a month before Modern Farms was released. I was excited and scared all at once. I guess some things never change…

This is a repost of a blog I wrote right after I had published Modern Farms on June 15 of 2021. I’ve gained some followers since then so I thought it appropriate to share again. Enjoy!

Originally posted on Jul 2 2021

Written By Jackie Nix

As I begin this author’s journey, some have been curious as to how I came to be here.

WHY write a book?

And specifically, why write THIS book?

It started roughly 2 years ago...

I got into a conversation with a friend who cited some widely spread misinformation about farming. I tried to correct this misinformation, but this person completely disregarded my 20 years’ worth of firsthand agricultural industry knowledge in favor of a single YouTube video from unverified sources that confirmed their bias.

My facts, my personal relationship, none of that meant anything. I even tried to go at it from a hypothetical viewpoint that what was proposed wouldn’t be profitable from a business sense.



At first I was FURIOUS!

But then, after a few days, this deeply saddened me.

I realized adults have no touch point on how food is actually grown today. They have subconscious beliefs regarding farms that literally go back to childhood based on Old MacDonald’s farm. These beliefs are so deeply held that even having access to a personal friend who is an “expert” can’t shake them.

Inspiration was born!

I went to the children’s section of my local bookstore and further validated my theory. There were plenty of books about farms and farm animals. All of them portrayed an unrealistic image of farming.




I’m not even referring to talking animals and fantasy situations. I’m talking about the imagery of a single red barn, antique tractors and multiple species of farm animals comingling outside in a green field.

THIS forms the faulty subconscious image of what a “real” farm consists of.

Thus, my mission was born.

I want the next generation to better understand the role of agriculture in their lives and have a realistic subconscious image of farming.

I intend to use my unique combination of technical knowledge, artistic talent and writing skill to create ag-accurate early childhood books.

This is just the beginning.

Please join me on my journey!

Jackie Nix